It just so happens that the people who got this kill, were the ones we were at war with for a week. Nothing remarkable happened then. This kill proves that stupidity knows no boundaries … Moving 74 plex in a fragile Kestrel !
Thanks to the tweetfleet for spotting this one :).
Somebody didn’t read the blog post I posted on this very issue…
when i saw that, i had to look twice and then i still didn’t believe it for a while. Aystra should be shot everytime he undocks now, just on principal for being so stupid.
Wow… just, wow. I can’t believe none of them dropped either. What a waste 🙁
I bet it made CCP pretty happy to have gotten six years’ worth of subscription money without having to increment anyone’s play time. Funny how when the ship was destroyed, not a single PLEX dropped…
Wow, that’s both funny and insane!