Very nice writeup over at reddit !
Very nice writeup over at reddit !
This is the Fanfest schedule for CCP’s Stream. There will be a free streams and a HD one for people who pay 1 Plex. The bolded lines are the keynote presentations.
 GMT/PST Thursday May 1st
11:00 / 04:00 Welcome to Fanfest 2014 with EVE TV
12:00 / 05:00 Game Design Panel
13:00 / 06:00 Economy: Into the Second Decade
14:00 / 07:00 Ship and Module Balancing
15:00 / 08:00 Concept Art Live Session
16:00 / 09:00 CSM Panel
 17:00 / 10:00 Fanfest Welcome & EVE: Valkyrie Keynote
 18:00 / 11:00 Fanfest Welcome & EVE: Valkyrie Keynote
19:00 / 12:00 EVE & DUST 514: Community Panel
20:00 / 13:00 Team Gridlock Talks EVE Performance
21:00 / 14:00 End of Fanfest Day 1
GMT/PST Friday May 2nd
11:00 / 04:00 From Evidence to Bans
12:00 / 05:00 New Player Experience Vision
 13:00 / 06:00 DUST 514 Keynote
14:00 / 07:00 Probing the Future of the EVE Engine
15:00 / 08:00 DUST 514: Progression
16:00 / 09:00 The Art of EVE: Valkyrie
 17:00 / 10:00 EVE Online Keynote
 18:00 / 11:00 EVE Online Keynote
19:00 / 12:00 Alliance Panel
20:00 / 13:00 EVE of DESTRUCTION
21:00 / 14:00 End of Fanfest Day 2
GMT/PST Saturday May 3rd
11:00 / 04:00 Coaching Them Up in New Eden
12:00 / 05:00 Making EVE: Valkyrie a Full Game
13:00 / 06:00 More Sand in the Box for DUST 514
14:00 / 07:00 Industry Panel
15:00 / 08:00 Make EVE Real – Going Interstellar
16:00 / 09:00 Art Panel
 17:00 / 10:00 CCP PRESENTS!
 18:00 / 11:00 CCP PRESENTS!
19:00 / 12:00 Deploying Pluggable Space Things
20:00 / 13:00 EVE TV Reviews Fanfest 2014
21:00 / 14:00 Party at the Top of the World
00:00 / 17:00 End of Fanfest Day 3
Two more industrial dev blogs are coming before fanfest
It’s less dramatic than the title suggests. I took down my hisec POS that has been sitting idle for years. I started it off back in 2008 for copying and researching BPOs. That’s why my current corporation Millard Inc was founded. I had a few research alts and all !
In all those years I have only been wardeced a couple of times. One time when the tower was still active. Onlining a few guns and missile arrays made that wardec disappear in a few days. The other time was when I was on a break and I didn’t even notice the wardec until later. The offenders shot a few parts, but I guess got bored (it didn’t drop any loot) and buggered off.
So why take it down now ? Well with the upcoming changes to POSes in the summer expansion, where standings no longer matter, I decided to get rid of the thing. I can always start another one in HiSec if need be, but I already have the one in the wormhole to care for. I am not exactly looking forward to fueling another one. Also it was in Kiainti, a bit out of the way, all the way up North in The Forge. The reason I picked that location is, because it was almost deserted most of the time. Even now, it has 8 – 10 people in local at most.
I bought two days of fuel to take it down, but it all went must faster than I had in mind. I guess I was still used to taking 5mins per takedown of a module. Funny thing was I had everything but the kitchen sink attached to it. Medium lasers, cruise missile launcher, a web and statis module and small guns ! Not sure what I was thinking back then .
Anyway, the whole thing is now available on contract as a POS starter pack, minus most of the guns, grab it if you’re interested !
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”BB #55″]
Last Blog Banter we talked about heroes in EVE Online. The follow up to that topic has been provided by Wilhelm aka The Ancient Gaming Noob:
Write about somebody who is “space famous” and why you hate/admire them, somebody who isn’t  space famous but you think should be or will be, or discuss space fame in general, what it means,  and how people end up so famous.
I’d like to add another take on the subject, is there a cost of being famous in EVE and if so, is it worth the price?[/stextbox]
Let’s start with the space famous person ! I have picked one of the most (in)famous pirates of Eve, Mynxee. She used to run a woman only pirate corp Hellcats, and was part of CSM 5. I always enjoyed her blog, life in low sec, about the pirate life. The blog is empty now, but there is a snapshot at She left Eve in 2011, but has recently returned to the game. A new blog is over at blogspot.
Mynxee was part of the Eve blog bubble, and always contributed on other blogs by leaving comments. Also she gave her all in CSM 5, though I think it left her a little disappointed.
You can find an interview from 2010 at massively, which is still a good read !
Ok and now onto the not famous person. Of course my first response was Akely ! But I have already named him here more than enough, let’s not praise him more and get it to his head. Nope, this time I’ll go for Geddonz. This 20 minuter does it all. Mainly in Factional Warfare (with an alt, in true Eve style), he has a truckload of kills. But he also manipulates markets, flies in wormholes and maintains POSes in order to do his alchemy, and other industrial activities. And he’s always helpful and willing to lend a hand, with a wealth of Eve knowledge. /tiphat to you, sir.
Now regarding that last part of the initial topic, I am sure being Space Famous â„¢ can be a nuisance. If you pvp, you might get targeted first. Also receive weird Eve mail, and maybe get annoying real life email. I can’t say I know much about it. Back in the haydays of EveBlogging, I sometimes got a ‘Hey there Morph, I read your blog !’ in local when I still dwelled in HiSec, and blogs got more reading, but that’s just about as far as my fame went. Never had any trouble with stuff I posted on here. Although I do tend to be a bit careful with what I post, and what kind of info I might give away.
That’s it for this BB #55, quite a nice topic, more participants at
It’s like the scroll of resurrection, but for Eve ;). You can read all about it here.
If you want to go back to New Eden for 7 days to see what it’s like these days, you can use my referral link below !
Yes gimme 7 free days in Eve on an account I haven’t played in a while !
Update : Thanks for using my link, I got my free plex ;). Update the above one to another account, since you can only get rewards for the very first three people that use the link.
Update II : Unfortunately the program has ended, Eve-O forum thread.
Update III: Only thing I can offer at the moment is a 21 day trial, the Buddy Program.
It’s nice to see CCP finally draw a line regarding this ‘Bonus Room’ nonsense, and who knows what else is happening what we don’t know about yet.
[stextbox id=”black”]CCP, in collaboration with the CSM, have agreed and would like to state in the strongest possible terms and in accordance with our existing Terms of Service and End User License Agreement, that real life harassment is morally reprehensible, and verifiable examples of such behavior will be met with disciplinary action against game accounts in accordance with our Terms of Service.[/stextbox]
It turns out Eve Blogging is still relevant. It was Ripard Tag who got the ball rolling. Well done, sir. Eve already has a, uhm, certain reputation, we don’t really need any more of this.
Heroes – Eve BB #54
Welcome to the continuing monthly EVE Blog Banters and our 54th edition! For more details about what the blog banters are visit the Blog Banter page.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”Blog Banter #54″]
Today’s topic comes Diaries of a Space Noob blog and other sources:
Quick post. I was listening to a song and a question occurred to me. Where are the EVE heroes? Against a dark background surely all we have are anti-heroes? A lot of mockery is aimed at any who attempt to be white knights. EVE is a dark place and yet pretty much all other MMO’s try to place the player in the role of some form of hero, boosting the ego and taking the player out of the humdrum 1 in 7 billion that is RL. Why have I fitted into EVE? Did I never want to be that? So I guess my question is:
Do classic heroes exist in EVE? Is such heroism even possible in EVE? How would you go about being one without opening yourself wide open to scams? Is the nature of the game so dark that heroes can’t exist? How do you deal with that irony? What effect does this have on us and the psyche of new players coming in from other MMOs? Is it something special that we don’t have classic heroes, or should we? Are our non classic heroes more genuine?
And I would add to this, who have we elevated to the level of larger than life heroes ourselves in the game, and do they actually deserve it?[/stextbox]
This whole hero thing is very subjective. What is a hero to some, can be a villain for others ! To address the question on Classic Heroes in Eve. I guess Chribba qualifies. The most trustworthy person in Eve. It’s even his job in Eve to be trustworthy and is widely known within the game. Another one would be Eve University that did a lot for the game, but I cannot pinpoint that to one person. Sindel Pellion and her Angel project might be a hero, especially for those she helps.
But these are somewhat obvious examples of heroes in Eve, I guess the classic ones. So I would disagree that we don’t have any. But since Eve is somewhat different from other games / MMOs the heroes in Eve are different as well. Pirates and scammers can become heroes. A good FC will be a hero within their corporation. And maybe even outside of it. Eve being different is what attracts the new players I would think. These are usually the stories that get into the press. Even the main stream press.
I’d say don’t worry too much about heroes. They usually become one without the intention of becoming one. If that honour befalls on you, very well. If not, just carry on being yourself ;).
Old link to a Massively Article on Heroes in Eve :).
More participants at the Inner Sanctum.
Excellent story by Fade to Black on the 20 minuters alliance website. It’s stories like these that makes Eve so unique :).
Enjoy !
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