With the Humble Bundle E3 ticket I got this rifter skin. It was one of the first in the ‘ship painting pilot program’. It gives the rifter a more copper like glow ? Didn’t quite manage to capture it as good in game, as you can see on the link above. Once outside the hanger in space, it’s even harder to spot the difference with a regular one. And no I didn’t only try it looking straight into the sun as in the screenshot below .
Another one bites the dust
As you can see here, Ripard Teg, one of Eve’s more prolific blogger, is quitting blogging. Which is rather unfortunate, as he put out quite some interesting article and provided plenty food for thought. With over 50 articles in May alone, I can see that it can get a bit cumbersome. I have no idea how you can put out that number of articles.
What I don’t get is why shut down entirely ? Just leave it open, state that you’re going to take it slow and write something when you feel like it. Maybe it’s a personality thing (which is opposite of mine I guess ) and some people can’t really slow down and it’s all or nothing.
Things do seem to slow down a bit as also stated in Roc Wieler’s latest blog post The end of all things. The Blog Banter gets only a handful responses. But it’s not all doom and gloom, there is still is plenty of activity on the 7 day page of Evebloggers. And there are so many other games to play these days, or was this always the case ? I know I have mainly logged on lately to fuel my tower and only occasionally shoot some sleepers or do some industrial activities. So many things to do, so little time …
Also related: End of an Era.
BB 56–Wait and See
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Welcome to the continuing monthly EVE Blog Banters and our 56th edition! For more details about what the blog banters are visit the Blog Banter page.
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With Kornos and the upcoming industry changes following 6 weeks behind it, things are set for a vast upheaval in the coming months. Before he packed his bags and left Mord Fiddle asked some interesting questions:
The common wisdom in EVE Online is that, beyond the odd high-value moon or Faction Warfare scam, there’s little in low sec or NPC null sec to the attract ongoing attention of the big-dogs of null sec, with their large fleets and super cap doctrines. It’s assumed that NPC space simply isn’t worth the bother of controlling even if one could control it.
Is this about to change?
The shift in industrial inefficiencies from high sec to NPC low sec/null sec has begun, adding value to NPC space outside of high sec. In the recent B0TLRD accords CFC claimed two NPC null sec regions, Venal and Syndicate, as part of the CFC sphere of influence.
What is the future of low sec and NPC null sec as the economic center of gravity shifts from high sec toward null sec?
Also, you can take this banter as a chance to discuss the ramifications of the style of play in low sec and NPC null sec if it does happen that major industry shifts there.
There is a big assumption in this blogbanter that industry will move to null/low sec. So far most players live in hisec and will always continue to do so. When they can’t do what they want in hisec they’ll leave the game. So let’s wait and see how things pan out once the expansion hits. It’ll be a while till all the current stock runs out and the newly produced goods will start flowing into the market. Prices will probably increase, from what I read so far on Kronos. I don’t really see a major shift coming.
Except for a few items here and there and fuel blocks, I don’t do much industry any more, nor do I live in low or null sec, so I don’t have much experience on the subject. I don’t see people moving to low any time soon. One blown up freighter or transport will decimate the little more profit that can be made. Will the null sec people flood the market with cheaper ships (than produced in hisec) ? I seriously doubt that as well. But as I said, we’ll see how it all pans out, it’ll be interesting to watch ! Shame the Eve economist left Eve . I still miss the quarterly economic newsletter.
More participants at The Inner Sanctum.
Mackinaw ORE Edition
Finally I got around to putting one of these together using the ‘skin’ bpc I got from the referral link. Missed the initial rush of these a bit, as the price has dropped considerably, but might still make a few hundred mil, selling these. They look rather nice, but it’s also a bit of a bulls eye for suicide gankers, as all things shiny in Eve are .
Eve industrial teams
From the wordpress dashboard I can tell how people find my blog. A lot of people are searching for info on Eve industrial teams. I don’t think there is more info at the moment that what is presented on the EveO forum and the original dev blog. Correct me if I am wrong in the comments below :). There is a schedule for when things are released to the test server at the Eve Forums.
Another nice read: Speculation on impact Kronos will have on Eve Industry.
And two over at EveManufacturing.co.uk. Devblog synopsis and Patch Notes the unofficial version.
Killing is just a means
It’s been a long time my friend, a long time
Yet it seems to have gone by in just a flash
A lot of you shooting me, a lot of me shooting you
And Concord kicking everybody’s ass
We have ignited violence on a massive scale
Scrambled those, who tried to warp away
Nothing says I love you like a kill mail
So don’t be surprised if I send you one today
Killing is just a means of communication
Killing is just a means of communication
Some say it’s more the trip than the destination
Killing is just the means…
Friendship grows from seed into a flower
Blossoms in this starlit wonderland
We’re doomed to fight for resources and power
So if I shoot you in face I’m sure you’ll understand
For ten years now we’ve sat and watched explosions
Dancing to the rhythm of our heart
Killing and dying still stirs up emotion
New Eden is a world where dying is an art
Killing is just a means of communication
Killing is just a means of communication
Some say it’s more the trip than the destination
Killing is just the means…
Some say it’s more the trip than the destination
Hey, girl, come fly with us…that’s an invitation
Don´t be afraid of a little death and exploitation
Killing…it´s just a means of communication
Killing is just a means of communication
Killing is just a means of communication
Some say it’s more the trip than the destination
Killing is just the means…
Eve Keynote Summary
Very nice writeup over at reddit !
Fanfest Schedule
This is the Fanfest schedule for CCP’s Twitch.tv Stream. There will be a free streams and a HD one for people who pay 1 Plex. The bolded lines are the keynote presentations.
 GMT/PST Thursday May 1st
11:00 / 04:00 Welcome to Fanfest 2014 with EVE TV
12:00 / 05:00 Game Design Panel
13:00 / 06:00 Economy: Into the Second Decade
14:00 / 07:00 Ship and Module Balancing
15:00 / 08:00 Concept Art Live Session
16:00 / 09:00 CSM Panel
 17:00 / 10:00 Fanfest Welcome & EVE: Valkyrie Keynote
 18:00 / 11:00 Fanfest Welcome & EVE: Valkyrie Keynote
19:00 / 12:00 EVE & DUST 514: Community Panel
20:00 / 13:00 Team Gridlock Talks EVE Performance
21:00 / 14:00 End of Fanfest Day 1
GMT/PST Friday May 2nd
11:00 / 04:00 From Evidence to Bans
12:00 / 05:00 New Player Experience Vision
 13:00 / 06:00 DUST 514 Keynote
14:00 / 07:00 Probing the Future of the EVE Engine
15:00 / 08:00 DUST 514: Progression
16:00 / 09:00 The Art of EVE: Valkyrie
 17:00 / 10:00 EVE Online Keynote
 18:00 / 11:00 EVE Online Keynote
19:00 / 12:00 Alliance Panel
20:00 / 13:00 EVE of DESTRUCTION
21:00 / 14:00 End of Fanfest Day 2
GMT/PST Saturday May 3rd
11:00 / 04:00 Coaching Them Up in New Eden
12:00 / 05:00 Making EVE: Valkyrie a Full Game
13:00 / 06:00 More Sand in the Box for DUST 514
14:00 / 07:00 Industry Panel
15:00 / 08:00 Make EVE Real – Going Interstellar
16:00 / 09:00 Art Panel
 17:00 / 10:00 CCP PRESENTS!
 18:00 / 11:00 CCP PRESENTS!
19:00 / 12:00 Deploying Pluggable Space Things
20:00 / 13:00 EVE TV Reviews Fanfest 2014
21:00 / 14:00 Party at the Top of the World
00:00 / 17:00 End of Fanfest Day 3
Upcoming Dev Blogs
Two more industrial dev blogs are coming before fanfest
- The Price of Change – CCP Greyscale is going to explain in detail how installing more jobs will have an effect on the installation price of those jobs.
- Industry Teams – CCP SoniClover will reveal all the details of Industry Teams and what this is all about.
POS takedown
It’s less dramatic than the title suggests. I took down my hisec POS that has been sitting idle for years. I started it off back in 2008 for copying and researching BPOs. That’s why my current corporation Millard Inc was founded. I had a few research alts and all !
In all those years I have only been wardeced a couple of times. One time when the tower was still active. Onlining a few guns and missile arrays made that wardec disappear in a few days. The other time was when I was on a break and I didn’t even notice the wardec until later. The offenders shot a few parts, but I guess got bored (it didn’t drop any loot) and buggered off.
So why take it down now ? Well with the upcoming changes to POSes in the summer expansion, where standings no longer matter, I decided to get rid of the thing. I can always start another one in HiSec if need be, but I already have the one in the wormhole to care for. I am not exactly looking forward to fueling another one. Also it was in Kiainti, a bit out of the way, all the way up North in The Forge. The reason I picked that location is, because it was almost deserted most of the time. Even now, it has 8 – 10 people in local at most.

I bought two days of fuel to take it down, but it all went must faster than I had in mind. I guess I was still used to taking 5mins per takedown of a module. Funny thing was I had everything but the kitchen sink attached to it. Medium lasers, cruise missile launcher, a web and statis module and small guns ! Not sure what I was thinking back then .
Anyway, the whole thing is now available on contract as a POS starter pack, minus most of the guns, grab it if you’re interested !