Blogbanter #51 Courage

Welcome to the continuing monthly EVE Blog Banters and our 51st edition! For more details about what the blog banters are visit the Blog Banter page.
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EVE Online can be a game of heart-pounding, palm-sweating, adrenaline-fuelled ecstasy or agony. Sometimes over the years those reactions dim and what was once a panic inducing situation becomes commonplace routine. For some, the shakes never go away.

From Druur Monakh (Twitter: @DruurMonakh) we get the topic of this banter: what was your most nail-biting experience in EVE Online so far? It could be PvP in a 1v1 or 1000v1000, your first fight or your latest one, a scam so close to being uncovered too soon, a trap almost sprung on an unsuspecting victim or the roles reversed and you desperately try to escape.

After all these years it is kind of hard to single out a single experience. In general though I am in the ‘shakes never go away’ camp. I did a lot more pvp when Factional Warfare first started out and when I got back into it a few times after that. Somehow the magic that was in those first few months, the atmosphere, the comradely never returned. We roamed around in decent sized fleets and had quite a few nail biters, my best time in the game PVP wise by far. The taking down of a Bhaalgorn, which was a big deal back then was quite exciting. Also one of my better blog posts, if I may say so myself. And I can handle myself in a fleet. Once solo though I get so nervous, I forget to turn on my armor reppers. Overheating ? Might as well never have trained it… And so forth.


By some sort of miracle I have never been caught in our wormhole doing sites. Sometimes I am really on the edge of my seat, pressing the scanner every couple of seconds and feeling the pressure of the unknown that might be lurking out there. Other times I get very relaxed and forget about the scanner and just pretend it’s a level 4 mission in hisec. Which is not what I should be doing, but hey it happens Winking smile.

Once something does pop up on the scanner though, usually probes, but if I remember well, I have seen a Proteus, Loki and a Pilgrim on scan, the feeling of panic and or shock I have never experienced in any other game. I usually just scramble to my tower and hide. It’s really weird to be worried about my character and my 40mil isk drake. Someone should do a psychological study about that !

May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young

– Bob Dylan

Other participants can be found at The Shakes Reset Again is back ! It got a restart a couple of months ago, but soon thereafter it stopped updating and then disappeared. The visitors would be redirected to a ‘domain for sale’ page.

Apparently someone picked up the domain and now renewed the site (edit: it’s @fuzzysteve). You get the top 5 headlines from a lot of eve-blogs (frontpage), or all blogposts of the last 7 days in chronological order. Very nice ! The layout is a bit minimalistic at the moment, but it works fine.

The old eve bloggers site
The old eve bloggers site


Mobile Tractor Unit

Rubicon is deployed ! And it was smooth sailing for a change. First thing I did was pick up the new BPOs and produced some Mobile Tractor Units and Mobile Depots. The tractor units also needed 2 science skills, which I should have done earlier of course, but it only took 15mins or so each. Which I did while picking up the new materials.

Now this thing is fun :). It’s like have another character pulling in your wrecks. Only thing left to do is salvage. Made a short video so you can see it in action !


Rubicon Around The Corner

There is no turning back ! On 19th of November CCP will release a new expansion to Eve called Rubicon. To be honest, I haven’t been playing much lately. Only been doing some PI, not even as dedicated as before, and refueled my tower. There were quite a few Perimeter Hangar sites in our wormhole, and I took care of a few of those last weekend, but that was about it.

Rubicon, while not bad, isn’t really something to get very excited about. Some things that make life easier and the Sister of Eve new ships that are very nice, but there isn’t in it that really makes you go WOW !

But let’s take a look at the things that I will be interested in, in this expansion.

Ghost Sites : probably will only see this once in a blue moon in our wormhole. They once again use the stupid hacking mini game but will not use the loot penate mechanic. Might be something good in it, we’ll see

Mobile Structures : The mobile tractor unit will be great ! It tractors all look into a bit pile within 125Km. Very handy. Also a magnet for any cloaky offender in a wormhole, but hey it’s all in the game. I don’t think I have any use for any of the other mobile units. I might see the mobile home in our wormhole maybe if we would get some sort of intrusion.

Sisters of EVE Faction Ships : These look awesome and might be handy in our wormhole or maybe elsewhere. I will probably wait a little before buying one to let the initial price settle down.

Ship Changes : I don’t fly anything that is affected by these. Maybe I should. I used to have a marauder, that unfortunately blew up a long time ago, when a Caldari Epic Mission line mission went sour. I never replaced it. It might be handy for the wormhole sites with the new heavy missile launcher thing. The Bastion Mode sounds awesome, once you’re attacked. Might not be as awesome in reality

Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher : This devblog explains how they work. The split bonuis thing is a little odd, I guess it would make them a little overpowered. Anyway, this sounds really good. Might want to try this with a passively shield tanked Rattlesnake soon. The missile bonus would be lost though, if I get that right from the devblog. And it only has 4 launchers. Well might be worth a try anyway.

That’s about it for me. Warp speed I don’t know about. Might be handy to be faster when you’re buzzing around in a covops in a wormhole. And interceptors I never use. Maybe I should dust one off and try one out. I will do a follow up post once Rubicon is released and see how things worked out, post-Rubicon.


BB #50–Where are you going

With the Rubicon expansion being announced and the SOMER Blink scandals (or non-scandals depending on your point of view) that have erupted on the community at the same time, it truly feels like an age of EVE has passed and a new one is dawning.

But which direction is it going? This blog banter can be about several different topics:

– where do you think EVE is going? Is it a good or bad vision ahead?

– if you were EVE’s new Executive Producer, where would you take the game?

– What comes (or should come) after Rubicon in terms of the mechanics and ship balancing we’ve seen? (CSM8 not allowed to answer this one!)

– Is there anything in EVE’s ten year past that should be resurrected? Or buried and forgotten?

– What is the future of the community? What should or should not change?

First of all, let’s stop endorsing Eve gambling sites and let the community itself decide what sites and/or services they like. The PR department has too much power, let them leave the game alone.

Having said that, let’s focus on the game. One of the big problems I see with Eve is that there are a few separate games going. There is the 0.0 power blocks / politics game, and there is highsec PVE / industry, wormhole exploration and PVP (including Factional Warfare) in losec. Somehow these should be more united. Maybe make it easier for smaller entities to enter 0.0, make losec more worthwhile to go there, and give pirates something to shoot at. Problems is, I don’t really see the answer. But that is where I would like to take the game. This is about as vague as CCP approach though.

We got the very vague speech on where we’re going from the senior producer a few times now, about more player build things and going where no one has gone before, but I am not quite sure she even knows what that means. The player constructed POCOs are apparently a first step in this direction… I’ll take a  ‘wait and we’ll see’ approach there.

The community is fine, though the time where blogs were king and we initially had the blogpack going was fun. Every pilot and their dog had a blog, and it felt like a happy family of bloggers. Fun times ! But that won’t come back. #tweetfleet on twitter has the same sort of feeling to it, so that’s nice. Times change Winking smile.

The other participants can be found at BB#50 – Changes

Blog Banter Page


Everybody is probably tired to hear about the most recent drama in the world of Eve, but I will blog about it, albeit a little late, anyway. If only so I can read it back it later on ! I have been collecting interesting links or interesting opinions, so I will include those as well. In case you haven’t seen enough about it.

In my opinion this all started (in hindsight) with the Community spotlight on Markee Dragon. Why there was a spotlight on someone who hardly played Eve and ‘only’ seemed to sell Timecodes, where there are dozens of other players and player organisation that deserve such a spotlight more was very odd. In case you don’t know, MD is the ETC code seller on Somer Blink.

Then the first oproar started once CCP announced a lottery held by Somer featuring rare ships. The rewards were changed to other unique ships due to players like Chribba who said it wasn’t right  to rerelease these old ships.


Forum post by @EVEAndski

Akely on twitter loosing faith in CCP

The ancient gaming noob posted a very interested link

Then this happened: a private mail leaked in which it was revealed that all members of Somer Blink had received Special Edition Scorpions. This very much resembled the T20 incident, years ago. Which led to the CSM and an Internal Affairs institution. Somehow this apparently passed by the IA. CSM wasn’t consulted at all. CCP does not seem to consult the CSM in things that matter, we have seen this before.

so it’s just a relationship that we wanted to explore and which we will continue exploring – CCP_Guard

It took quite a while before an official response was posted. Due to vacation of half the CCP staff apparently. Once the response did come, it was in my opinion very underwhelming. You can read my response and one of my questions was answered in the thread, but I didn’t find it very satisfactory. Even worse, CCP apparently want to keep on exploring these ‘relationships’. For now these giveaways are on hold. I just read that as ‘once this blows over, we’ll continue what we have been doing’.

This whole situation is all about trust. CCP mingling in our sandbox. The PR department supporting a shady Eve gambling site that makes (IRL) money by commissioning ETC sales. You can read about that in this excellent forum post. I know this situation doesn’t affect my game play directly, but it leaves a very foul taste in my mouth and it makes me slowly loose faith in CCP and the direction they’re heading.

Some more links:

Crossing Zebras -  Conflict of interest

Forum post – Baron VonDoom

Icelandic law regarding supporting gambling

DNSblack’s article on Eve24

Rubicon Announced

The upcoming winter expansion was announced today on twitch ! Why this name ? Apparently it’s the start of more player build things and stuff (?). Rubicon was the river Caeser crossed and start his reign in Rome. So I guess CCP see this as a start of something. I am little skeptical about these things, being a bitter old vet and all that, so  we’ll see where that will go.

Some of the new features:

  • New Sisters Of Eve faction ships. These look very cool, with bonuses for scanning and hacking. DO WANT !
  • Space vacuum cleaner – A deployable unit that will tractor all your wrecks and leave them in  a convenient pile to be salvaged later. Sounds very  handy !
  • New missile launcher that will do Battleship type DPS but will also do decent against smaller targets. Sounds very handy for doing Sleeper sites. And it’s good to have a new  weapon.
  • Pocos  (custom offices for PI) in HiSec  will be destructible and can be player owned. – Not sure this is a good idea. It will be a nuisance for new players and members of smaller corporations to get into PI, probably the pocos will be owned by larger alliances, leaving  the little guy in the dust.
  • Depot – Sort of a mobile POS. Nice to invade wormholes and the like. Maybe we’ll see one in our own hole and we can destroy it Smile with tongue out.
  • Twitch integration – Very interesting addition

Caesar Crossing the Rubicon

Those are the ones that I remember now right  off the bat and that  seemed the  most interesting. The warp speed and interceptor  changes don’t do much for me, but might be  cool for other people.

All in all a nice list of features. With only about 2 months away (it’ll be released on Nov 19th), it’s more than I was expecting. I am sure it won’t be buggy at all Winking smile.

And  yes I know we had BLINKGATE today as well, still making my mind up what to  blog about that, I did take notes so more on that later.

BB #49 Ballad Of A Rich Man

Welcome to the continuing monthly EVE Blog Banters and our 49th edition! For more details about what the blog banters are visit the Blog Banter page.

What is “rich” in EVE? Is it simply having more ISK than most everyone else, is it measured in raw numbers of some other ethereal quality? Can you actually be poor? Have you ever lost nearly everything and had to claw your way back? If you are rich, how do you know and how did you get rich?

There are two types of players, those who see Isk as a means to get to their goal, and those that see Isk as the ultimate goal in game. They play to see their wallet / assets grow, the other group uses said Isk to buy ships and blow them up.

Ok it’s probably not that black and white, but most players would probably fit on one of these two groups. Rich for me in Eve is when you can easily afford the equipment you would like to buy and can replace all your gear without breaking your own bank.

Bitter old vet swimming in Isk

If you have been playing for quite a while, ISK starts piling up. So do all the assets to be honest. I mainly kill sleepers and do PI in our wormhole to get my income these days. Before that I ran missions, and made a bit of isk on the side, inventing T2 drones and various modules. Never on a large scale though. Think the largest run of drones I made was about 100. There are people out there who have several production / invention alts and produce 1000. So those people will be richer than I am.

However it’s still gratifying to see your stuff being sold, and see your wallet grow, even after all these years. When I started out back in 2005, everybody was pretty much poor, compared to today’s standard. People had to save for a battleship, think I had to run endless Level 3 missions to finally be able to afford a raven and so on. Never lost it all though, I might have lost a mission ship once and had to drop down a level in order to replace it, but that’s about it.

Reading the various participants entries it seems Isk and being rich is very relative in Eve. And that’s probably the only conclusion you can make from this blog banter Winking smile.

All Along The Angel Tower

It’s about two weeks ago, our wormhole had it’s hisec out in one of the remote systems of the Heimatar regions, Klir. Together with the neighboring dead end system Jorus, there were about 8 data and relic sites. Even though there 4 people in local, no one seems to be going after these so I decided to give them a go.

I got me a few goodies off the first few sites (Still not a big fan of the loot piñata and the mini hacking game that’s pretty silly). A large mini jump drive BPC, and some invention related items. I didn’t scan the cans first so it was a surprise what I would grab from the cans. The other sites didn’t drop much of value up to the point I didn’t even check my inventory any more what I did get.

angel_towerSomewhat disappointed I headed back to our K162 entrance in Klir and checked my inventory and lo and behold, a faction tower BPC ! It turned out to be the Angel Control Tower BPC, the large one.

I brought it back in a tanky ship to Uedama  where most of my industry stuff is, and decided to put it together there, grabbing the remaining ores and a large minmatar tower from Jita, to give it a bit more value, instead of just selling the BPC. It’s still on the market now for 1.4 Bil. I have been checking the prices and they’re a bit weird. I don’t think these towers are in high demand, only a few are being sold every now and then. There were a handful on sale in Jita for 1.2 bil. Those disappeared and reappeared for over 2 bil ! Someone reselling them perhaps ?


If it’s not sold by the end of this month I might have to move it to Jita to give it a bit more exposure, but I don’t really feel much like moving such a high value item. Probably will be alright in a well tanked Orca.

So if you have always wanted that fancy faction tower, head over to Uedama and grab it off the market Winking smile.