Evebloggers.com is back ! It got a restart a couple of months ago, but soon thereafter it stopped updating and then disappeared. The visitors would be redirected to a ‘domain for sale’ page.
Apparently someone picked up the domain and now renewed the site (edit: it’s @fuzzysteve). You get the top 5 headlines from a lot of eve-blogs (frontpage), or all blogposts of the last 7 days in chronological order. Very nice ! The layout is a bit minimalistic at the moment, but it works fine.
Lately there has been a discussion amongst some prominent Eve Bloggers about the future of the Eve Blogging community. The MMOmelting pot has a nice summary with some interesting comments. The whole issue came to my attention when Ryxxx’ post showed up on EveBloggers, ironically enough where he claims that The Mittani.com has killed the Eve Community.
Then I started to realize that I do indeed see less activity amongst Eve Bloggers. There used to be a time when you refreshed EveBloggers every now and then, a whole page of new stuff came up. Now not so much. Some blogs I frequently read are fading away or posting a lot less frequently. I am probably amongst a minority, but I don’t visit TheMittani.com very often. I do like some of the articles, for example when they take a look at the upcoming destroyers or review other games. The book reviews are pretty good. I don’t give a hoot for the 0.0 news though, which makes up a big part of the site (at least in my mind).
Apparently though a lot of people seem to like the site, it has lots of content all tucked in a nice place. I do believe there is still more than enough room for personal blogs like this one. Would an article appear on The Mittani’s front page where a small gang kills a retriever on a sunday night ops in a C4 system ? I don’t think so. So where else would I post such an article ? You might argue that no one cares about it, so write about it ? That is an interesting questions. It all comes down to a blogger’s personal motivation.
Is the Eve Blogosphere doomed ?
The intention for this blog (from 2005 on !) has always been to make it a bit of a diary of an ‘ordinary’ pod pilot. There are no glorious articles here, not very often very revealing insights, just tales of what can happen or what people do in Eve. And from time to time comments on what direction CCP is going or what I do like about an expansion or hate about it. There is still a lof of room for blogging in Eve. Maybe blogging in general isn’t as popular as in the best days of the Eve Blog Pack. Maybe there are less people now than back then that care to start a blog and write about their experiences. It would be a shame to see the Blog Pack go though, but maybe it has served it’s purpose and it’s time to move on. I do think that EveBloggers.com still serves great service though, I sure hope that will continue to exist in some form. I would have to have to fire up the old Google reader again !
After seeing the intense debate comment system on growing number of blogs, I decided to try it out on this one as well. It seems to be very convenient to have all your comments on one place, and being able to login through openid is a plus.
On a totally unrelated note, I’d like to mention a new site here, that’s called evebloggers.com. You don’t have to be a blogger to enjoy the site though ! It has all the eve news very conveniently in one place. Not just the blog pack posts, but also CCP official news, articles from massively etc.. Make sure to check it out at http://www.evebloggers.com
Thanks to the Eve Druid for mentioning eveblogger !